In celebration of International Women’s Day we’ve teamed up with other lady bosses to found “The Manayunk Wingwomen” to help support women in the Philadelphia community. We’re collecting essential items for postpartum women and other products for feminine health and wellness. These items are often expensive and not affordable for many women despite being a necessity. And we’re asking you, our community, to help us collect these important products for this important initiative. When you drop off a donation, you will get a custom “Manayunk Wingwoman” vinyl sticker!

This initiative was inspired by local Philadelphian, Shelley Aragoncillo, who had created Grab-N-Flow, a free-to-the-community menstrual and postpartum product shed that is located in Philly and available to anyone in need. Bring any of the items listed to any of the participating locations to help.
Thank you for helping us make International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month a time to not only just appreciate the incredible, brave, and brilliant women that have paved the way for us throughout history but to also use it as a chance to help our own neighbors right now!
To drop off items, stop by any of these businesses during operating hours. North Light will be accepting donations Monday-Friday from 9AM-5PM. To drop off outside of those hours, please call 215-483-4800.
We also accept donations via Amazon delivery. If you would like to order items through Amazon, please use 175 Green Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19127 as our shipping address and email to let us know.
Participating Manayunk women-owned businesses: