Community Classes
Reflex Sports Youth Gymnastics

Reflex Sports is a non-competitive, elementary gymnastics and sports fundamentals program for children. Classes are held at North Light during the Winter and Spring sessions.
To sign up for their program, head to their website!
Mt. Airy Learning Tree

Spring Classes at North Light
Check out the exciting offerings from Mt. Airy Learning Tree (MALT) for their spring session! For more information or upcoming classes from MALT go to their website!
T’ai Chi – Yang Style: Beginning
T’ai Chi (or tai chi ch’uan) is claimed to be the oldest martial art. But it is also a gentle exercise that can provide innumerable health benefits for body, heart and mind. Practiced consistently, it can improve balance, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, ease depression, and has even been shown to benefit those with Parkinson’s disease. Tai chi requires no special equipment and can be practiced anywhere there is a flat surface and a 5 ft. square of open space. The Beginning class is open to anyone who is interested. The Intermediate class is for those who have learned at least the “first third” of the form, and/or has the teacher’s permission. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and flat, flexible shoes.
Tap Dance Fundamentals for Adults and Teens
Learn how to make your own music! We will have fun diving into a few key principles of tap dance: groove, time, tempo and space. Learn fundamental techniques that you can then apply endlessly to musical concepts and improvisational exercises. No tap shoes required. No previous experience required. “If you can walk, you can tap dance.” –Honi Coles
Crime Fiction Workshop
Have you ever thought about writing crime fiction but have no idea where to begin? This course provides a pragmatic, workman-like approach to crafting stories, focusing on but not limited to crime fiction. Through selected readings in the genre, we will discuss and dissect styles and techniques, as well as the nuts and bolts of good storytelling, like clarity and accuracy. Students will complete quick pieces of in-class writing as well as read and critique longer pieces of each other’s work in a supportive, encouraging workshop atmosphere.